Dixie Fire: Demand The CPUC Cancel PG&E's License to Burn

(08/2021) It's now been over a month since PG&E likely caused the Dixie Fire, and the fire is still expanding, engulfing whole towns, filling the air across the state and country with smoke, and reminding us all that we need a different energy system, and we need it now. 

Reclaim Our Power has been demanding that the California Public Utilities Commission hold PG&E accountable for burning us down, smoking us out, shutting off our power, and charging us for it in the process- and we spoke out at the CPUC meeting on August 5th insisting they take action to #CancelPGE. 
After our organizing, the CPUC sent a letter to PG&E, putting them on notice of investigations into the fires- but that doesn't go far enough. Will you join us in demanding that the CPUC hold PG&E accountable? Click here: http://tinyurl.com/PGEDixieFire