PG&E "Failing Since Bankruptcy" Scorecard Is Out!

(04/2021) On Thursday, April 8th, the Reclaim Our Power Campaign released the "Failing Since Bankruptcy"- a scorecard grading PG&E on their failure to keep Californians safe. Fire survivors, people with disabilities, ratepayers, and young people spoke powerfully about the ways PG&E has harmed our communities since they were allowed out of bankruptcy in June 2020.

Fires, shutoffs, smoke, rate increases, and looming shutoffs. Reclaim Our Power is asking people to take this action, demanding the California Public Utilities Commission live up to their commitments and hold PG&E accountable.
The recording of the press conference can be found on facebook, here
The scorecard can be found here
You can read more about the press conference in this article from 48 hills.