Urge EBCE's Board of Directors to Reject PG&E's Offer of Nuclear Energy

Alameda County's own public electricity agency, East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) is considering accepting PG&E's dangerous nuclear energy into its power mix. Community Choice programs in California were created to give the public the power to choose where their electricity comes from and what kind of energy it is (under California Assembly Bill 117 in 2002). In the East Bay—Alameda County, the community effort led by the East Bay Clean Power Alliance has been to advocate for local clean energy through EBCE, with an emphasis on creating clean energy jobs, community wealth, affordability, less remote transmission and fighting climate change with equity at the center. Currently  there is no nuclear in EBCE’s mix as shown here on EBCE’s website.
Sign and Share this Petition:  https://tinyurl.com/KeepEBCENuclearFree2020
As Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island have shown us, nuclear energy is dangerous and dirty, not only from deadly nuclear meltdowns, but from the mining of uranium to the huge amounts of radioactive waste created with no safe storage for the long life of this waste. This form of energy is not worth the potential fallout to workers, communities and the environment. This is why California is phasing out nuclear power, with San Onofre (San Diego) now in decommissioning and a closure date for Diablo Canyon (San Luis Obispo) Nuclear Power Plant currently set for 2025, with urgent efforts to move for closure sooner than that date.
In the meantime, the cost of keeping Diablo Canyon open has skyrocketed to over $1 billion a year in losses and guess who has to pay for this? We do! PG&E charges customers in their territory to pay that cost in rates on their bills and charges EBCE customers through the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) fee, both of which are enabled by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) who act as a rubber stamp body for PG&E.
EBCE and all other Community Choice programs could save tens of million of dollars in PCIA costs to customers if Diablo Canyon were to close before 2025, as the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility is urging in its motion to the CPUC.

Take action to urge EBCE's Board of Directors to reject PG&E's offer of nuclear energy and instead support early closure of Diablo Canyon!  

Sign and Share this Petition:  tinyurl.com/KeepEBCENuclearFree2020 and read about this issue in this  East Bay Express article:  Carbon-Free Power-- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?  It's Nuclear!

Other Ways You Can Help:

  • Or post your own on social media: Don’t let PG&E dump it’s nuclear energy on our East Bay Community Energy program! Sign & RT petition @LCEAcleanenergy tinyurl.com/KeepEBCENuclearFree2020 #poweredbyEBCE #NuclearFreeEBCE #NuclearFreeCCA #CleanPowertothePeople #EnergyDemocracy #NoPGEBailout
  • Show up and testify to the EBCE Board:
    • Write your own email to the EBCE Board of Directors and Community Advisory Committee and send it to the Clerk of the Board COB@ebce.org.
    • Come to the next EBCE Board meeting. You can see agendas and details on the public meetings website here.  The next EBCE board meeting is scheduled for Feb 19th 6:00pm at Hayward City Hall (off Hayward BART).  Note:  You can speak at the beginning of the meeting for items not on the agenda
    • For more information contact jessica@localcleanenergy.org 415-766-7766