Work With an Alliance Committee!

Perhaps you would like to work with one of the Local Clean Energy Alliance committees, described below. If so, please contact the Alliance Coordinator.

Community Choice Committee
**Join the Clean Energy & Jobs Oakand  Campaign**
This committee’s purpose is to lead the Local Clean Energy Alliance’s efforts to move Community Choice energy programs forward in the Bay Area. We see our focus as building grass-roots advocacy in various communities (as compared to being a service organization for municipal or county staff). While being open to initiatives in all nine Bay Area counties, our effort at this point is to help create a few "model" Community Choice programs—those in which development of local energy resources is the backbone of the program. In that respect, we see near-term priorities in building support for local build-out in San Francisco, Sonoma, and Oakland/Berkeley. To join this effort, please contact the Alliance Coordinator.

Legislative Committee: AB 1990 Feed-in Tariff and Beyond

This committee’s purpose is to lead the Local Clean Energy Alliance’s efforts in the legislative arena, starting with mobilizing support for AB 1990, a community-benefits feed-in tariff bill. In the long term, the committee would analyze legislation that impacts local clean energy, make recommendations to the Alliance regarding such legislation, and help mobilize support or opposition to various bills, as appropriate. To join this effort, please contact the Alliance Coordinator.

Demand Reduction/Energy Efficiency Committee

This committee’s purpose is to lead the Local Clean Energy Alliance’s energy demand reduction efforts in the following ways:

  • Create and/or facilitate opportunities for education, outreach, and public awareness of energy efficiency and conservation
  • Advocate energy efficiency and conservation as top priorities in local and state energy-related initiatives and policies
  • Advocate for the integration of energy demand reduction, new generation, storage and smart grid in creating community-based energy systems
  • Champion energy efficiency and conservation policies and programs that are inclusive of a wide range of stakeholders including underrepresented groups (e.g. multi-family tenants, low-income neighborhoods)

To join this effort, please contact the Alliance Coordinator.

Community Power Committee

This committee’s purpose is to:

  • Investigate and document different models and examples for financing and developing community power.
  • Locate sites in the SF Bay Area for community power projects, and determine what models might work for them, whether it's a solar garden or some other form of community power.
  • Work with Legislative Committee to research existing legislation relevant to community power (both in California and elsewhere), help amend bills in progress as needed, and consider other legislation we could propose.
  • Start some community power projects in the area.

Please join our effort—you can choose your level of involvement and areas of focus. This is a great opportunity to learn more about community power and be at the forefront of this emerging movement. Please contact the Alliance Coordinator.

Organizational Development Committee

The purpose of the committee is to help develop the resources needed to support the work of the Local Clean Energy Alliance. In particular, this involves expanding and involving the membership of the Alliance, both individual members and organizational members. It can also include promoting Alliance energy briefings and other educational materials, as well as organizing monthly membership meetings. To join this effort, please contact the Alliance Coordinator.