On the Green Job Tour: Live Solar Install Day

Join us for a morning with...  

RichmondBUILD graduates, Michele McGeoy of Solar Richmond, and Ella Baker Center

Please join us for this unique opportunity to see one of the nation's leading organizations actively doing Green Collar job training and solar installations and a brief update on the latest developments in California and nationally on Green Jobs training.

Friday, November 14th
10a - 12p

360 S 27th St
Richmond, CA

This is a Greenweek event and held in conjunction with the 2008 Bay Area Clean Energy Caucus.

Pickup from and to from Richmond BART at 9:45a; let us know if need this.  You can also meet at the S 27th st location at 10a.

Please RSVP to: info@SolarRichmond.org

Don't forget to bring your camera!

Solar Richmond was founded to promote and inspire the use of solar power and energy efficiency to bring the economic benefits of the green economy to the local community. We aim to:

  • Decrease your energy bills through renewable solar energy
  • Provide Richmond residents with cutting-edge professional solar technology skills that will lead to good-paying jobs
  • Help the planet by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions

Solar Richmond has partnered with RichmondBUILD to add solar education to its innovative 10-week pre-apprenticeship construction-training program.  This collaboration focuses on Green Collar job skills that include classroom training on solar technology and installation, hands-on experience with installation teams and valuable connections with solar contractors.  Graduates of this program are Richmond residents, and have trained side-by-side with solar contractors to successfully install residential and commercial solar systems.  Our crew members receive living wages, and are excited to use their professional skills to help you go solar, regardless of your income.

Ella Baker Center and Green For All are advocating for Green Jobs throughout and California and Nationally... 

start date: 
Friday, November 14, 2008 - 09:30
Friday, November 14, 2008 - 11:30