Membership Categories

You can join the Local Clean Energy Alliance in one of three membership categories, described below.

Affiliate Organizational Member (Join!)

An Alliance member organization that supports the goals and principles that guide the Alliance but does not want to be involved in major policy and campaign decisions. An Affiliate Organizational Member of the Alliance meets the following criteria:

  • Must be in agreement with the goals of the Alliance (most notably to meet 100% of our electricity needs with a balanced mix of efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy by 2033) and the principles of local sustainability and equity that guide the work of the Alliance.
  • Provides a representative who can be contacted by Alliance leadership about any issue or policy or program about which the Alliance needs input.
  • Participates in at least 2 meetings/actions of the Alliance per year. These could include participating in Alliance general meetings, appearing in person at city council meetings or other appropriate occasions at which the Alliance needs a show of force, or writing individual letters to governmental decision makers.

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Voting Organizational Member (Join!)

An Alliance member organization that supports the goals andprinciples that guide the Alliance and is entitled to vote on major policy and campaign decisions. A Voting Organizational Member meets the criteria of an Affiliate Organizational Member, plus the following:

  • Contributes to the financial support of the Alliance by paying annual dues based on annual budget (in the Bay Area), according to the following schedule:

Annual Budget

Annual Dues

$ 0-100 K

$ 50

$ 100-500 K

$ 100

$ 500-1000 K

$ 250

> $ 1000 K

$ 500

   or, alternatively, contributes a minimum of 4 hours per month to a project of the Alliance.

  • Is entitled to propose policies and campaigns and participate in discussions and decisions about major polies and campaigns two or three times a year.
  • Is recognized prominently on the Alliance web site as a voting member and key contributor.
  • Is able get exposure for relevant actions and news about its work in Alliance email blasts.

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Individual Member (Join!)

An Individual Member of the Alliance meets the following criteria:

  • Must be in agreement with the goals of the Alliance (most notably to meet 100% of our electricity needs with a balanced mix of efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy by 2033) and the principles of local sustainability and equity that guide the work of the Alliance.
  • Contributes to the financial support of the Alliance by paying annual dues according to the following schedule:

Annual Budget

Annual Dues

Basic Membership

$ 25


$ 50



  • Participates in at least 2 meetings/actions of the Alliance per year. These could include participating in Alliance general meetings, appearing in person at city council meetings or other appropriate occasions at which the Alliance needs a show of force, or writing individual letters to governmental decision makers.

Join now!

Steering Committee Member

Our Steering Committee seeks to represent the diversity of the Alliance members. The Steering Committee meets once per month, and sets the overall direction and priorities for the Alliance, based on the policies and campaigns approved by Voting Organizational Members. The Steering Committee consists of representatives of Voting Organizational Members and Individual Members who have been nominated and approved by the Steering Committee. Steering Committee members are expected to participate in monthly meetings and take responsibility for guiding and carrying out the Alliance program.