Take a stand for Community Choice at Oakland City Council

On Tuesday December 9th, Oakland is voting whether to schedule a joint council meeting in early 2009.  This is a non-consent item which means there is likely to be some discussion and dissent. Please let jan@baylocalize.org know if you are able to come to this meeting in support of Community Choice.  Bring a book as it will likely come up late.

If you are not able to come to the Dec 8th meeting, please call your Oakland city councilor and let them know that you support a joint council workshop.  Also call Henry Chang, the at large councilor.  Contact info is below.

Jane Brunner  1st District    jbrunner@oaklandnet.com  (510) 238-7001   
Pat Kernighan   2nd District    pkernighan@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7002   
Nancy Nadel    3rd District    clstarks@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7003 (key Oakland Community Choice ally)   
Jean Quan    4th District    jquan@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7004   
Ignacio De La Fuente   5th District    idelafuente@oaklandnet.com    (510) 238-7005   
Desley Brooks  6th District    dbrooks@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7006   
Larry Reid  7th District    lreid@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7007   
Henry Chang  At- large    hchang@oaklandnet.com   (510) 238-7008

start date: 
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 18:00
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 21:00