Communications Support

Communications Support


  • Produce well written communications: email blasts (News & Alerts and project-specific)
  • Manage social media
  • Maintain website content
  • Manage LCEA contact database
  • Build and strengthen organizational relationships
  • Organize event tabling
  • Develop media/press relations
  • Conduct phone banking outreach

There are a number of volunteer positions available for our communications team:

  • News & Alerts producer
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 5 hr/mo
    • Solicit/write articles
    • Manage editing process
    • Add photos, formats, and send blasts
  • Social media hound
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 5 hr/mo
    • Post project-specific social media posts, drafted by project-specific staff
    • Follow up to have people share, etc.
  • Website maintenance [Position Currently Filled]
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 2 hr/mo
    • Update website based on the suggested content from staff
  • Phone bank coordinator
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 5hr/mo
    • Maintain list of volunteer phone callers and coordinate phone callers
  • Phone banking caller
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 3 hr/mo
    • Makes call relevant to project or support function
  • Tabling coordinator
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 2 hr/mo
    • Maintain list of tabling volunteers and coordinates tabling volunteers available for tabling events
  • Tabling volunteer
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: as needed per event
    • Staffs information tables
  • Organizational relations
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: based on existing relationship with said organization
    • Organizational relations volunteers
  • Media relations volunteer
    • Supervised by Communications Support Lead
    • Time commitment: 5 hr/mo
    • Contacts media as needed for events


  • A passion for the clean power, healthy communities perspective of the LCEA
  • General knowledge/background regarding renewable energy and renewable energy policy
  • Good research and analysis skills
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Responsible, very organized, and detail-oriented

How to Apply:

Please include a cover letter explaining your interest in the position and your availability, along with a resume to Women, LGBTQI, and people of color are strongly encouraged to apply. No phone calls please. Thanks for your interest!