For climate justice advocates, democratizing energy—not just decarbonizing it—is key to an equitable, sustainable future. This is why we organized the Energy Democracy National Tour last year to highlight the work local communities are doing to take in their own hands the responsibility of building a cleaner and more equitable future.
In the report, you will see the diverse strategy and expansiveness of the movement that social justice communities are doing to take back control of energy in order to survive and thrive. There is a lot of work being done across the country from coast to coast, through the Midwest, and into the Deep South.
In 2019, we are now working to leverage the accomplishments of the Tour to increase collaboration among energy democracy organizations and to secure the technical, financial, and organizational resources needed to strengthen the movement. The 13 host organizations are continuing to work together to organize a convening in 2019 to strengthen relationships, build capacity and resources, and develop strategies for building the energy democracy movement.
Energy democracy represents a powerful strategy for creating a new renewable energy economy grounded in environmental, economic, and social justice.
Most importantly, the vision and principles behind energy democracy are driving the birth of a national political current of historic significance: communities across the U.S. are taking into their own hands the responsibility of building a cleaner and more just energy future.