LCEA Partners


Bay Localize

Ecology Center

Rainforest Action Network


A group of organizations, businesses, and citizens has formed to
promote local production and procurement of "clean energy" — energy
derived from renewable, non-fossil, and non-nuclear sources. Local Clean Energy Alliance members come from groups like the Sierra Club, Pacific Environment, Kyoto USA, Rainforest Action Network, green energy companies, and the popular Nomad Cafe. Many are just concerned citizens. We're working in Oakland, Berkeley, and Emeryville to educate the public and encourage those city councils to adopt a clean, reliable, and affordable energy
system for their residents.

The centerpiece of our agenda thus far has been forwarding a
Community Choice energy system in the East Bay. San Francisco and Marin
counties have already taken the lead by moving forward on their own
community energy plans. Navigant, a consulting firm that cities are
using to help them devise their plans, found that Marin will be able to
achieve comparable rates as PG&E while achieving more than 50%
renewable power within a few years. Key decisions on these plans will
be made in 2008.

We feel a real momentum is building in the East Bay help push
renewable energy and make it into a growth industry. With your help, we
are confident that we can accomplish our goals.

Sign on to Our Platform!
If you're a business, organization, or concerned individual wishing to pledge your support for our efforts, please sign on to our platform!

The primary goal of the alliance is to achieve a long term goal of 100% renewable energy by
. Our interim goal is 50% renewable energy by 2017. Additional goals are: to:

  • Maximize local renewable energy production
  • Offer stable and affordable rates for all
  • Create local business opportunities and green-collar jobs
  • Facilitate local businesses and residents' ability to sell excess energy to the grid
  • Mandate energy conservation
  • Ensure that the benefits of local clean energy accrue to all