East Bay Community Choice Campaign




Join the East Bay Clean Power Alliance in supporting local clean energy development and clean energy jobs through an East Bay Community Choice energy program.

Community Choice energy, provided for by AB 117 (2002), enables cities and counties to choose where the electricity will come from for their homes and businesses. This means that local communities can decide to get their electricity from renewable energy sources: either by purchasing renewable electricity on the market, or even better, by developing local renewable energy resources in the community.

Under a Community Choice energy program, the incumbent investor-owned utility company (PG&E) continues to deliver electricity and service customers.

Climate Justice, Clean Energy Jobs and Community Benefits

Community Choice energy is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impact of climate change by cutting energy consumption, switching to renewable energy sources, and building local renewable electricity generation.

By developing local clean energy resources, Community Choice programs can spur local economic development in the community, provide family-supporting union clean energy jobs, offer competitive electric utility bills and price stability, reduce pollution, and provide other community benefits.

Now is the Time

Alameda County is moving forward to establish a Community Choice energy program, and has expressed a commitment to prioritizing the community benefits mentioned above and to including community representatives in the governance of the program.

The East Bay Clean Power Alliance is reaching out to community organizations to  make sure that community benefits and community involvement are at the heart of the East Bay Community Choice program. In this way, we hope to promote the equitable development and democratization of local renewable energy resources. This is how we can address climate change and build sustainable and resilient communities.

Sign the call for Clean Energy and Jobs in Oakland:

Alameda County Community Choice: East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)
Letter to EBCE Board: Prioritize Equity in Local Program Investments, September 2020
Case Study: East Bay Community Energy Rejects Nuclear Deal, May 2020
Letter to EBCE Board: No Nuclear Decision During Pandemic, April 2020
Fact Sheet: Keep East Bay Community Energy Program Nuclear-free!, March 2020
Letter to EBCE Board: Support Accelerted Shudown of Diablo Canyon, January 2020
Letter to EBCE Board: East Bay Clean Power Alliance Opposes Nuclear Allotment, December  2019
Letter to EBCE Board: Opposition to Nuclear Energy in EBCE's Mix, October 2019
LDBP Budget Proposal, June 2019
Proposal for Filling Community Advisory Committee Vacancies, May 2019
Letter to EBCE Board: Renewable Energy for City Meters, April 2019
Letter to EBCE Board: Defend Community Choice from CPUC Attacks, January 2019
Letter to EBCE Board: Oppose CAISO Regional Expansion (AB 813), July 2018

Role of Community Engagement in LDBP, July 2018
Press Release on LDBP Adoption, July 2018
Rally for Local Clean Energy, July 2018
Feedback on Draft LDBP, June 2018
Mobilization in Support of the Local Development Business Plan (LDBP), March 2018
Comment on EBCE's Power Mix, February 2018
Comments on 2nd Round of LDBP Work Products, February 2018
EBCE Rate Setting and Priorities, February 2018
Position on Early Procurement, January 2018
Comments on 1st Round of LDBP Work Products, December 2017
The Importance of EBCE’s Local Development Business Plan (LDBP), October 2017
Utility-Grade Energy Services for Community Choice, October 2017
Getting to 100% Renewables, September 2017
Press Release: Rally Against Legislative Sneak Attacks, September 2017
Public Banks Power Local Renewables, September 2017
Talking points on Community Advisory Committee for JPA Board Meeting, April 2017
Community Advisory Committee Scope of Work, March 2017
Community Advisory Proposal, January 2017

Press Release on first JPA Board Meeting of East Bay Community Energy, January 2017
Talking points for the first JPA Board Meeting of East Bay Community Energy, January 2017
Proposed Advisory Committee Criteria and Selection Process, January 2017
GreenBiz Article on Alameda County Victory, October 2016
Press Release on Alameda County Victory, October 2016
Joint Powers Authority Agreement, as of October 2016
Labor-Community Unity Proposal, September 2016

Put Our Communities in Community Choice Sign-on Letter, September 2016

How to Meet Four Challenges in Building Out Local Renewable Energy Resources, September 2016
Community Choice and Union Jobs, August 2016
The Case for Community Representation on the JPA Governing Board, June 2016

Response to Feasibility Study, May 2016
Community Choice One-pager, May 2016
JPA Proposals, East Bay Clean Power Alliance, April 2016
Glossary of Community Choice Energy and Other Terms, February 2016
Program Vision: East Bay Community Energy, December 2015
Recommendations Regarding Feasibility Study RFP, June 2015
Oakland City Council Resolution, June 2015
Promoting a Labor-Friendly Community Choice Energy Program, March 2015
East Bay Clean Power Alliance: Community Choice Program Goals, December 2014
Letter to Supes re Community Involvement, November 2014
Letter of Support to Board of Supes, May 2014
East Bay Community Choice Energy: From Concept to Implementation
, February 2014

Historical Archive: Stop AB 2145, The Utility Monopoly Power Grab of 2014

AB 2145 Lobby Day Flyer--on Monday, May 19, 2014

Campaign Technical Backgrounders
Oakland Community Choice 2020 Development Plan

Lower Electricity Bills Possible With Community Choice

Campaign Toolkit
Historical Archive: East Bay MUD Documents

Staff's Community Choice Update, 6/26/12
Staff's Community Choice Update, 11/13/12
Staff's CCA Preliminary Analysis Report, 12/6/12

Links to a number of references on Community Choice energy

Learn about the campaign and learn how you can help by coming to a meeting of the campaign organizing committee.

Contact: Jessica Tovar (jessica@localcleanenergy.org)