Local Clean Energy
News & Alerts
(02/2022) An effort by the state’s monopoly utilities to kill the growth of rooftop solar in California has been put on ice, at least temporarily. Due to a well-organized campaign to Save California Solar, Governor Newsom told the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to shelve a proposed decision to gut the state’s Net Metering program.
The CPUC’s December 13 Proposed Decision, set to be approved in January, was suddenly withdrawn after the campaign, led by the Solar Rights Alliance, mobilized over 120,000 individuals and over 700 organizations to call on Governor Newsom to intervene. On February 3, the CPUC announced that the issue “will not appear on the Commission’s voting meeting agenda until further notice.”
Check out two key papers by Local Clean Energy Alliance allies that expose the issues behind the attack on rooftop solar:
For background, and to get involved, see This is it. Local Solar Needs Us NOW! on the California Alliance for Community Energy website.