Help us stop the PG&E Wall St. Deal!

(04/2020) Governor Newsom recently approved the reorganization plan PG&E has put forth to exit bankruptcy court.  The proposed plan not only fails to meet the needs of our communities by selling out wildfire victims and bailing out PG&E shareholders, it also falls short of the standards the Governor himself had outlined only recently to ensure a utility that can address wildfire safety. 

The CPUC has yet to formally put its stamp of approval on the deal, and we need to make clear to both the Governor and the CPUC - as loudly and insistently as possible over the next couple months - that we do not accept the terms of this plan.  The Reclaim Our Power campaign has put together a set of demands to deliver to the governor and is mobilizing members of our endorsing organizations and allies to make sure our voices are heard.  Please join us in taking action!
The Reclaim Our Power campaign demands the following:
  • Californians need true safety from fires, smoke, and shutoffs: This deal doesn’t provide it.   
  • Californians shouldn’t be forced to pay for the failures of PG&E: This deal is full of loopholes that would push more costs to the already burdened people of California. 
  • Impacted communities, including fire victims, need to be compensated immediately in cash: This deal hands victims volatile stocks that they can’t even control.  
  • In this moment of public health crisis, Californians need utility debt forgiveness as we are ordered to shelter in place amid loss of incomes to pay our bills: This deal does nothing to mitigate the growing impact of the economic downturn. 
  • Californians need clean energy, and need every opportunity to transition towards a sustainable future, including using stimulus funds to purchase infrastructure: This deal does nothing to advance our climate goals and protect our state. 
Overall, the deal isn’t good for fire survivors, for our communities, or for the climate. And it will leave our health, safety, and energy in the hands of Wall St, not the hands of the people.  There is a lot we will need to do to stop the deal or at least raise public awareness of it, but we can start right now!  The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has power to reject the deal, and they are taking comments at their meeting this Thursday - that’s where you come in. By taking action, you will send the Governor and the CPUC commissioners a letter stating that this deal is unacceptable and that they must do better.  And there will be opportunities for further, escalating engagement in the coming weeks and months.