(10/2021) Utilities have their playbook; it’s time we had our own.
As utilities like PG&E increasingly fail to protect us in the face of climate change. They also impose rate hikes, undermine Community Choice energy, and attack rooftop solar. We need to expose their tactics and build our organizing strength—to not only fight back but to take the offensive. Just as the
Reclaim Our Power: Utility Justice Campaign is doing here in Northern California.
Wed, Oct 20 at 9am
Join Yesenia Rivera, Solar United Neighbors, and Nora Elmarzouky, Centennial Parkside CDC to learn more about the playbook and how you can use it to expand energy democracy in a community near you.
Register here.
Fri, Oct 22 at 10am
This interactive webinar will be part workshop to train you on how to use the Playbook in your advocacy, and part networking opportunity to meet and learn from other folks engaged in utility-related fights around the country and strategize better with those in the same fight as you!
Register here.