PG&E "Failing Since Bankruptcy" Scorecard Is Out!

(04/2021) On Thursday, April 8th, the Reclaim Our Power Campaign released the "Failing Since Bankruptcy"- a scorecard grading PG&E on their failure to keep Californians safe. Fire survivors, people with disabilities, ratepayers, and young people spoke powerfully about the ways PG&E has harmed our communities since they were allowed out of bankruptcy in June 2020.

Thursday: Take Action to Reject PG&E's "License to Burn!"

(04/2021) Reclaim Our Power is asking for your help! On Thursday April 15th, the CPUC is voting on whether to approve PG&E's "safety certificate"- or as we call it, their "License to Burn." After years of dangerous negligence that have killed more than 100 people, and with the Zogg fire, raising rates, and more shutoffs all since they were let out of bankruptcy, it's long past time to reject PG&E's ability to burn us down and shut us off. We're asking the commission to reject the safety certificate, and move us closer to a safe, reliable, worker and community controlled energy system. Will you join us?

LCEA is in the News Again!

(03/2021) Local Clean Energy Alliance’s Jessica Tovar was interviewed by The Intercept’s Alleen Brown and San Francisco Chronicle’s J.D. Morris about Texas blackouts and transition to renewable energy. 

Stop the PG&E Attack on Rooftop Solar

(03/2021) PG&E and California’s other investor-owned utilities are pushing the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to gut Net Metering, California's cornerstone rooftop solar policy. 

Battle Looms Over Utility Bilking of California Ratepayers

(02/2021) The California Alliance for Community Energy has recently released a position paper calling for a statewide legislative effort to eliminate a fee on Community Choice energy customers that results in all California ratepayers being bilked by PG&E and the state’s other monopoly utilities. 

CPUC Stymies Community Microgrid Development

(02/2021) Despite public comment from over two dozen community advocates calling for community-driven energy resilience, the CPUC voted unanimously on January 14 to put microgrid development rules in place that fail to meet community needs.
At issue is whether frontline communities will be able to create community-based resilience centers where key services can be provided to those most in need when electric power is shut off. These resilience centers would use microgrid technology to continue to provide electricity to schools, community centers, food banks, and other facilities that are critical for community health and safety. Currently there are many barriers to installing microgrid technology at such facilities, especially in low-income communities and those most at risk during power shutoffs. 

Stop PG&E from controlling our "community" energy!

(01/2021) This Thursday, January 14, with little public input, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is rushing a vote to set the rules for building resilient energy in the form of microgrids that could protect our communities from shutoffs in the future. 
Reclaim Our Power: Utility Justice Campaign (ROP) has submitted a letter calling for the CPUC to focus on protecting disadvantaged communities, by including community voices in determining rules for microgrid development in order to guarantee equity in access to these critical energy resources. The CPUC must not allow PG&E and other private utilities to control energy resilience in our communities. 

2020 Strategic Convening: National Energy Democracy Project Sets 2021 Directions

(01/2021) This past November 20-22, thirty plus organizations, from east to west and north to south, gathered virtually for the second annual Strategic Convening of the Energy Democracy Project. The Project’s Affiliated Organizations consist mainly of local frontline organizations engaged in a broad range of energy democracy efforts in their respective communities.

Speaking of the accomplishments of the convening, Jessica Tovar, of the Local Clean Energy Alliance, said, “We developed stronger alignment around what is happening in our communities and how it connects together to accelerate a national energy democracy movement.”

East Bay Community Energy Votes to Sell PG&E’s Nuclear Energy Despite Notable Comments by Youth

(12/2020) Unfortunately, on December 16, the EBCE Board, voted in favor of staff’s third proposal to accept an allocation of nuclear power from PG&E and flip it to a third party to sell, in return for half of the profit. Only Hayward’s Al Mendall and Albany’s Peggy McQuaid opposed the proposal. The majority of the Board was convinced by staff’s rather tenuous statements that the proposal would bring money to EBCE, force PG&E to utilize more gas-fired power, preventing PG&E from having a carbon-free power mix, and keep EBCE from having to account for the nuclear energy on their power content label.

Watch the Recording: From East Bay to New Mexico, Community Power Against Nuclear Energy

(12/2020) As part of the continuing battle to keep nuclear energy out of East Bay Community Energy’s power mix, Local Clean Energy Alliance hosted a webinar, From East Bay to New Mexico Community Power Against Nuclear Energy, on November 12, 2020. In case you missed it, you can now watch: Leona Morgan, a Diné activist fighting uranium mining; Jill Zamnek from a San Luis Obispo anti-nuclear organization Mothers for Peace;  Robert Gould President of the SF Bay Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Dan Hirsch, President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, an organization that focuses on issues with nuclear power. 


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