Equity in Clean Energy: Two New Programs

(09/2021) As you know, the East Bay Clean Power Alliance have been advocates for equity in clean energy for years.  We have been spreading the word on emerging programs & projects coming out of East Bay Community Energy that are beneficial to community members that have been systematically shut out of the clean energy economy.  If you have not heard already, there are two really great programs being launched now; the Medical Baseline Battery Program and also a community solar access program called Community Solar Green Tariff (CSGT).  

Thursday: Take Action to Reject PG&E's Wildfire Mitigation Plan! 

(09/2021) For years, PG&E's deadly failures have been facilitated by decision makers quietly approving the utilities plans and hoping that the corporate behemoth will keep its promises. For years, PG&E has responded by burning down our communities, shutting off our power- and charging us for it in the process. 
On Thursday, they're banking on getting another pass on their Wildfire Mitigation Plan, and continuing with the status quo- which our communities will not survive. 

Revolutionary Power: Reflections from the Book Club

(09/2021) The Reclaim Our Power Utility Justice Campaign (ROP) had the opportunity to celebrate, and grow from, the wisdom of one of our heroes this summer. Over three sessions, members of the campaign read, debated, and integrated the brilliance from Revolutionary Power, a book authored by Shalanda Baker, co-founder of Initiative for Energy Justice and the first ever Deputy Director for Energy Justice in the Biden administration. 
We asked the convenors of the ROP book club: "How do the lessons from Revolutionary Power inform your work for a just energy system?"

#BuryPG&E- Check out our Op-Ed in the San Jose Mercury News!

(08/2021) Just days after PG&E started the Dixie Fire which has now grown to the size of Rhode Island, they pulled what is a pretty typical move for the criminal utility: distract, propose false solutions, and build a path to ensure profit for shareholders.

Dixie Fire: Demand The CPUC Cancel PG&E's License to Burn

(08/2021) It's now been over a month since PG&E likely caused the Dixie Fire, and the fire is still expanding, engulfing whole towns, filling the air across the state and country with smoke, and reminding us all that we need a different energy system, and we need it now. 

Clean Power to the People—Upcoming programs and projects by East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)

(08/2021) Join us to learn about the East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) emerging programs/projects that our communities & organizations could benefit from. We'll share the Zoom link with you after you register to attend.
WHEN: Thursday, August 26, 6pm-7:30pm Pacific Time
WHERE: Online, Zoom

Take Action: Dixie Fire: It's Time to #BuryPGE

(07/2021) It's happening again. PG&E negligence has caused the Dixie Fire, quickly becoming one of the largest fires in California history. Just months after the CPUC passed the criminal corporation's Safety Certificate, yet another fire is endangering lives, lungs, and livelihoods.

The Antidote for Utility Debt and Power Shut-offs: Local Clean Energy

(07/2021) Neither the COVID pandemic nor its financial impacts on underserved communities is waning. According to East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)’s report to its Executive Committee in April, there were more than 50,000 EBCE ratepayers who have accumulated utility debt as a result of the pandemic’s economic fallout. In the middle of the utility debt crisis, Californians are also getting ready for another mega wildfire and power shut-off season. Our antidote for these multiple crises is local clean energy—a decentralized energy system. Local clean energy resources such as energy efficiency, solar panels and batteries can help ratepayers decrease their energy cost and become energy resilient. The East Bay Clean Power Alliance (EBCPA) has been prioritizing this advocacy in the last couple of months as a response to this increasing crisis.

#CancelUtilityDebt: Victory, But More Work To Do

(07/2021) June 15th marked the Cancel Utility Debt National Day of Action! Reclaim Our Power and Local Clean Energy Alliance joined with partners from the Energy Democracy Project, Right to the City, Partnership for Working Families, and dozens of others to bring the voices of low income, Black, Indigenous, people of color across the country that are currently facing massive utility bills and potential shutoffs.

#CancelUtilityDebt- Join us June 15th!

(06/2021) A deadly pandemic. A cratering economy. Escalating utility rates. Unprecedented fire, smoke, and shutoffs. And through it all, PG&E took massive profits and doubled its executive salaries.
Now, with the end of the shutoff moratorium scheduled for June 30th, millions of California families are at risk of having PG&E turn their power off-- just so their Wall St shareholders can keep lining their pockets. We say PG&E should pay their share and not siphon public dollars.


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