Residential Energy Projects: Taking On-Bill Repayment to Scale in California

Jamie Fine of the Environmental Defense Fund was guest speaker at the Local Clean Energy Alliance's November 17, 2011 membership meeting, speaking on a proposed state-wide program for financing home energy improvements. On-bill repayment for energy upgrades and/or clean energy installations would allow homeowners and renters to make energy improvements without having to provide any cash up front--financing would be paid back through utility bills.

January 19th General Meeting - Community Solar Gardens II

About 25 people gathered on Thursday, January 19 at the monthly meeting of the Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) to discuss the report of a small task force assembled by the LCEA to evaluate the potential of SB 843 (the Community-Based Renewale Energy Self-Generation Program) for promoting community solar gardens. The Preliminary Analysis can be found here.


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