Local Clean Energy
News & Alerts
The Local Clean Energy Alliance’s third annual Clean Power, Healthy Communities conference drew 140 people on May 10 to a day of intense deliberations about the potential benefits of local renewable power to Bay Area communities and how to build a movement to realize those benefits.
Check out photos of the conference and a video of the keynote address by Bill Gallegos. For those who are kicking themselves for not attending, you can also check out some of the conference presentations. Video of major sessions will be available soon.
The morning session included panel discussions on the importance of local clean energy projects to Bay Area communities, and how to realize a blueprint for Bay Area renewable energy. The afternoon session began with an outstanding keynote address by Bill Gallegos of Communities for a Better Environment. There were breakout sessions throughout the day on specific projects that are gaining traction in promoting local clean energy, community choice energy initiatives and current legislation promoting feed-in tariffs. Attendees chose from a variety of informal round table discussion topics during lunch.
The overwhelming consensus was that the conference was a great success for educating, networking and inspiring.