2020 Strategic Convening: National Energy Democracy Project Sets 2021 Directions

(01/2021) This past November 20-22, thirty plus organizations, from east to west and north to south, gathered virtually for the second annual Strategic Convening of the Energy Democracy Project. The Project’s Affiliated Organizations consist mainly of local frontline organizations engaged in a broad range of energy democracy efforts in their respective communities.

Speaking of the accomplishments of the convening, Jessica Tovar, of the Local Clean Energy Alliance, said, “We developed stronger alignment around what is happening in our communities and how it connects together to accelerate a national energy democracy movement.”

East Bay Community Energy Votes to Sell PG&E’s Nuclear Energy Despite Notable Comments by Youth

(12/2020) Unfortunately, on December 16, the EBCE Board, voted in favor of staff’s third proposal to accept an allocation of nuclear power from PG&E and flip it to a third party to sell, in return for half of the profit. Only Hayward’s Al Mendall and Albany’s Peggy McQuaid opposed the proposal. The majority of the Board was convinced by staff’s rather tenuous statements that the proposal would bring money to EBCE, force PG&E to utilize more gas-fired power, preventing PG&E from having a carbon-free power mix, and keep EBCE from having to account for the nuclear energy on their power content label.

Watch the Recording: From East Bay to New Mexico, Community Power Against Nuclear Energy

(12/2020) As part of the continuing battle to keep nuclear energy out of East Bay Community Energy’s power mix, Local Clean Energy Alliance hosted a webinar, From East Bay to New Mexico Community Power Against Nuclear Energy, on November 12, 2020. In case you missed it, you can now watch: Leona Morgan, a Diné activist fighting uranium mining; Jill Zamnek from a San Luis Obispo anti-nuclear organization Mothers for Peace;  Robert Gould President of the SF Bay Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Dan Hirsch, President of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, an organization that focuses on issues with nuclear power. 

Congratulations to LCEA’s Jessica Guadalupe Tovar!

(12/2020) WASHINGTON, DC— On November 23, Rachel’s Network announced the awardees and finalists of its second annual Catalyst Award. Jessica Guadalupe Tovar of the Local Clean Energy Alliance is one of nine winners for the 2020 award! The award provides women leaders of color support and recognition for their commitment to a healthy planet, along with a $10,000 prize, networking opportunities, and national recognition for their work.

Happy Holidays Happy Hour with the Local Clean Energy Alliance

(12/2020) 2020 has been a tough year, but we still kept going. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we organized and we won. But we couldn’t have done it without our many, many community allies. On Thursday, December 17, we hosted a Holiday Party to give some special shout outs to our Stars of 2020!

Are you passionate about advancing a local Green New Deal? Join EBCE’s Community Advisory Committee!

(12/2020) East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) is now accepting applications to join its Community Advisory Committee (CAC). The application deadline is 5pm on Monday, February 15. Click here to learn more! 

WEBINAR: From East Bay to New Mexico, Community Power Against Nuclear Energy

(11/2020) Learn More: RSVP now for November 12 Community Power Against Nuclear Webinar!

Did you know that some local decision-makers are claiming that nuclear energy is a solution to climate change? Check out this webinar and take action!

On April 22, 2020, our community defeated a proposal at the East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) Board meeting to accept PG&E’s offer of nuclear energy from its Diablo Canyon power plant. The vote of 10-5 against the proposal came after 64 community members spoke out against accepting nuclear energy into our energy mix. 

Community Power Against Nuclear Energy, once again!

(11/2020) Local Clean Energy Alliance needs you to speak out at the November 18 East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) Board meeting, 5:00 pm, to defeat another attempt to include nuclear energy in EBCE’s power mix. You can read our talking points on this Google Doc.
Despite the Board having decided only months ago to reject nuclear energy, EBCE staff is bringing the issue back because some cities see PG&E's nuclear as a cheaper way to get "carbon-free" energy at a competitive price—despite the many downsides involved.

Webinar Recording: Effects of California Power Shutoffs

(11/2020) How can you pretend to care about the impact of your power shutoffs, if you're not even keeping track of who's being harmed?

After the calamitous and harmful PG&E initiated shutoffs in 2019, where millions of Californians were left in the dark, researchers from Initiative for Energy Justice (IEJ) set out to find out the depth of the economic, health, and community impact of the shutoffs on the people of California. Shockingly, it quickly came to light that no one- not PG&E, who initiated the shutoffs, nor the CPUC, who regulates the utility, was keeping track of who had been impacted by these massive, unprecedented interruptions to people's vital energy. 

Speak Out Against Nuclear Energy in East Bay Community Energy, Again!

(10/2020) Update: Change in EBCE Oct. 21 Board of Directors Agenda

EBCE Staff has modified the Brilliant 100 agenda item to be considered for the October 21 Board meeting. The item will now be limited to continuing Brilliant 100 until January 31, 2021 at a rate parity with PG&E. Whether EBCE is going to accept nuclear energy from PG&E in order to reduce the cost of that product for certain cities will not be discussed that evening. Please save Wednesday, November 18, 2020 to speak out against EBCE accepting nuclear energy! Of course you are still welcome to make Public Comments at any EBCE Board meeting. 


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