PG&E Shareholders Meeting Protest highlights WildFire Deaths & Bailout Opposition

The No PG&E Bailout Coalition staged a demonstration outside PG&E Headquarters at PG&E’s Annual Shareholder Meeting. Eighty-five shoes were laid outside of the PG&E Shareholders meeting representing the lives of those killed in the Camp Fire last Fall, which was proven to be caused by PG&E’s neglected transmission wires.

Wednesday June 19 - A Green New Deal for the East Bay

We need you to testify to the East Bay Community Energy board on June 19 to demand a budget increase for the Local Development Business Plan programs and projects for 2019-2020!  We know you are busy, but together, we have been holding down this campaign for years.

Friday June 21 - Protest the PG&E Shareholders Meeting in San Francisco

Are you willing to pay $50 more per month on your utility bill to keep a criminal like PG&E in business?


First they burn us with wildfires, now they seek to burn us with higher utility rates!
Come join the No PG&E Bailout to expose PG&E Shareholders at their annual meeting June 21,

URGENT: Stop the Legislative Coup Against Community Choice!

A legislative Coup against Community Choice is underway, and not over by a long shot. Even some of our allies in the Legislature don't understand the damage they could do by supporting nearly a dozen bills that would undermine the autonomy of Community Choice energy programs and their ability to best serve our communities.

The League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay honored LCEA for our East Bay Community Energy work

On June 6 at the Port Bar in Oakland, the League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay recognized Local Clean Energy Alliance and the East Bay Clean Power Alliance for the establishment of East Bay Community Energy and their commitment and launch of the Local Development Business Plan.  The League presented Jessica Guadalupe Tovar with the 2019 Environmental Champion Award honoring her work with the Local Clean

LCEA Joins the California Progressive Alliance to Build Progressive Power Statewide

On March 30-31, LCEA’s very own Jessica Guadalupe Tovar participated in the 2019 founding convention of the California Progressive Alliance (CPA), a new volunteer network dedicated to building a statewide political and legislative agenda to reclaim our government from corporate interests and re-center the voice of the people in the electoral process and policymaking to build the power and equity of our most underrepresented communities.  The initial

100% NGO Network Visited LCEA

The Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) received assistance from the 100% NGO Network a fiscally-sponsored project of Movement Strategies Center to host and organize a field trip to the East Bay of approximately 25 representatives of member organizations of the 100% NGO Network.  The 100% NGO Network is National effort for organizations working towards 100% Clean Energy campaigns and/or inspiring new 100% campaigns lead by frontline leaders in enviro

ACTION ALERT: Roll Back the CPUC Attack on Our Communities!

California’s devastating wildfires set the stage for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to provide Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) an initial $6 billion bailout assist. Next, the CPUC will pass billions in fire liability costs onto the public.
At the same time, the CPUC is also attacking Community Choice energy, the state's expanding alternative to the monopoly utility model. This latest attack comes in the form of a dramatic fee hike impacting all ratepayers, to cover losses incurred through the utilities’ mismanagement of their electricity procurement obligations.

Clean Power to the People Workshop - Early Actions for Local Development

Since the November 1, 2018 launch of East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), millions of dollars of revenue that used to go to PG&E will remain in Alameda County.  The next phase of our advocacy, starting now, is to ensure that EBCE delivers on promised benefits over the next two years, particularly with respect to the early action items in the Local Development Business Plan (LDBP).
Accordingly, we have researched, analyzed, and prioritized 9 of the 12 early action items in the LDBP based on their potential to provide community benefits to the communities that often get shut out of the clean energy economy. 


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