Meet AJ, our Rising Sun–Energy Democracy Organizer

(09/2022) Albert Jinyue Yuan, or AJ (he/him), is part of the Climate Careers program at Rising Sun Center for Opportunity and is currently externing as an Energy Democracy Organizer at Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA).

AJ was born and raised in Delaware and attended UC Davis, where he majored in Environmental Science and Management. He is planning to pursue a career in environmental law, and is hoping to work on climate policy.  But most importantly, his interest in organizing paired with law and policy demonstrates his values of centering community voices on energy issues that affect them.

EBCE–Community Choice or Corporate Charity?

Photo credit: California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA), 2020 Report(07/2022) The Local Clean Energy Alliance urges you to pressure East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)’s board of directors to redirect the proposed $15 million dollars of ratepayer funds into local development business plan programs instead of giving it away to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital.

Cancel PG&E! San Francisco Action For Our Energy Future

(07/2022) Hundreds of Californians killed. Millions left without power. Billions of dollars in damages. And PG&E's CEO and wall street investors are still raking in huge profits, while our bills are going up.

We need a new energy future, beyond PG&E, one that centers the lives of the Black, brown, disabled, low income, and other communities punished the most by this deadly, dirty, extractive, expensive energy utility.

Energy Democracy Organizer Nyah Tisdell

Nyah Tisdell (she/her) is an Energy Democracy Organizer with the Local Clean Energy Alliance. She grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California and since moving up to the Bay Area has found her passion for environmental and social justice. Nyah received her Bachelor of Science in Society and Environment with a minor in Global Poverty and Practice from the University of California, Berkeley.

Take Action Today to Stop EBCE From Giving Away $15 Million in East Bay Customer Funds!

We Demand East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) Fund Asthma Prevention By Investing In A Just Transition For Environmental Justice Communities.
Send a letter to the EBCE Board of Directors:

Take Action Now To Save Solar In California

(06/2022) Did you know that last week over 2000 people joined last minute rallies in California to demand the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) strengthen Net Energy Metering (NEM)--Local Solar Policy Incentives? These rallies made three simple demands:

  • Don't tax the sun
  • Don't kill California’s Local Solar Power
  • Make it accessible to those who have not had access–we need equity for environmental justice communities

We are down to the wire–we might be two weeks away from a CPUC decision that could kill local solar energy incentives in the state, thereby handing our clean energy future to convicted serial killer PG&E.

Take Action by Flooding Governor Gavin Newsom's phone lines!

Tell the CPUC: More Local Solar, More Benefits, for More People

June 2, this Thursday, in San Francisco
Join the rally and speak out at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) this Thursday to protest its resumed attack on community energy—in this case its efforts on behalf of PG&E and the state’s other monopoly utilities to stop the expansion of rooftop solar.

PG&E/Utilities Featured on John Oliver

(05/2022) "PG&E is more of a fire company that occasionally delivers power to people's homes."

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver took a hard look at the corporate utility model in the US, laying out clearly (and hilariously!) the warped incentives that utilities are granted in our energy system. And if you're looking for the shining example of utility malfeasance, look no further than PG&E!

CPUC Resumes its Attack on Rooftop Solar

(05/2022) After a powerful public Save California Solar campaign forced Governor Newsom to tell his California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to shelve it’s December 2021 proposed decision to kill rooftop solar in California, the CPUC, on May 9, opened a new front in its attack on local solar.

Rather than heeding the overwhelming public opposition to the CPUC’s proposed gutting of the state’s Net Energy Metering (NEM) policy, the law judge presiding over the NEM proceeding floated a re-packaged version of the December proposed decision.

Same pig, new lipstick.


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