Intern Spotlight - Valeria Mora

Valeria Mora (she/her) is a college intern with the Local Clean Energy Alliance along with working with the City of Hayward. Originally from the central coast where she was able to experience the beauty of the ocean, she fell in love with nature. Now she resides in Hayward where majestic trees such as the Oakland Redwoods and views from the top of the Berkeley Hills have made the Bay Area someplace special to her.

Progress Report: Hayward Equitable Electrification - Spanish Community Outreach

The Hayward Equitable Electrification Collaborative, a dynamic partnership between the Local Clean Energy Alliance, Cal State University East Bay (CSU East Bay), and the City of Hayward Environmental Services, is making significant strides in its mission to lay the groundwork for an equitable electrification just transition. 

Environmental Justice Community & Labor Victory at Ava Community Energy

The Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) as part of the Workforce & Environmental Justice Alliance – an alliance of labor unions, workforce development, environmental justice and community choice advocates – was successful in passing a unity position with Ava Community Energy (formerly East Bay Community Energy).

Hayward Equitable Electrification - Spanish Community Outreach

The Hayward Equitable Electrification Collaborative is a partnership between the Local Clean Energy Alliance, California State University East Bay (CSU East Bay) and City of Hayward Environmental Services. This collaborative effort engages Public Health students from CSU East Bay who are serving as community outreach workers in Hayward. These interns are integral to the Hayward Electrification Project which aims to equitably transition households from natural gas appliances to all-electric alternatives, but this cannot happen without language access and meaningful inclusion.

Local Clean Energy Intern Spotlight - Meet Hernando Sanchez, Equitable Electrification - Energy Democracy Organizer

Hernando Sanchez (he/him) is an Energy Democracy Organizer intern for the Local Clean Energy Alliance. He is leading the Hayward Equitable Electrification outreach team of six California State University East Bay (CSU East Bay) students. Hernando was born in Oakland, CA and grew up in the Bay Area.

Resilience Hubs & Microgrids

Are you a non-profit organization, community group or place of worship organizing a resilience hub?

Could you use a microgrid or nanogrid to provide energy resilience to your community? 

East Bay Clean Power Alliance has been campaigning & advocating to Ava Community Energy to bring energy solutions in the face of power shutoffs, climate change or other unforeseen crisis.

For more information contact

Feel free to check out our webinar on Community Driven Resilience Hubs from 2020 which took place during dense smoke, a heatwave, a pandemic and rolling black outs.

Take the “Clean” Power Back – Will LCEA Go to the California Supreme Court?

The Center for Biological Diversity, Protect Our Communities and the Environmental Working Group are asking the California Supreme Court to hear their case opposing the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC’s) decision to cut the financial benefits of rooftop solar by 75% replacing previous Net Energy Metering rates with a new Net Billing Tariff.  Local Clean Energy Alliance and the California Alliance for Community Energy (CACE) join that action as friends of the court (amici curiae).

Workforce & Environmental Justice Resolution for Vote Jan. 17 at 6pm

Good news, we are on the brink of passing a groundbreaking resolution that includes all our language for the Workforce & Environmental Justice resolution item on the Ava Community Energy agenda for Wednesday, January 17 at 6:00pm.

The Workforce & EJ agenda item with resolution language is here. Full agenda and agency meeting details are here.

LCEA 2023 Year-End Review

In 2023, Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) faced many challenges and continued its important work to ensure equitable access to local, clean energy resources. 

See LCEA’s 2023 Year-End Review.

Job Posting: LCEA Campaign Organizer

Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA) seeks a motivated, creative, skilled and experienced Campaign Organizer, who is passionate about economic, climate and environmental justice to engage grassroots organizations in advancing the movement to democratize energy.

The position is 40 hours per week at $35/hour and includes health, dental and other benefits. The Campaign Organizer will work in close collaboration with other members of the team and is based in Alameda County or San Joaquin County (City of Stockton or City of Tracy). A 40 hour week schedule is $72,800 annually including benefits. Willing to negotiate if the applicant prefers to work less than 40 hours per week. Positions with at least 30 hours a week are considered full-time and include health, dental and other benefits.


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